Deploy infrastructure

Deploy Infrastructure

In this exercise, you will become familiar with using AWS Backup to create a backup plan for active resources on AWS such as EBS Volumes, RDS Databases, DynamoDB Tables, or EFS File Systems. You will also learn how to restore data from backups and automate the entire process.

For many organizations, the data they own is one of the most valuable assets they have. Regular data backups are vital for the long-term success of any organization. However, a data backup is only valid if the data can be successfully restored from the backup. In the cloud, data backup and recovery testing is easier compared to on-premises data centers. Automating this process with appropriate notification systems will ensure that an organization’s data is backed up regularly, backups are verified for expected recovery, and the right personnel are notified in the event of an error.

AWS Backup

  1. Access the AWS Management Console interface.

    • Find and select CloudFormation.

AWS Backup

  1. Select Create stack.

AWS Backup

  1. In the Create stack interface:

    • For PREREQUISITE - PREPARE TEMPLATE, select Template is ready.
    • For SPECIFY TEMPLATE, select Amazon S3 URL.
    • For Amazon S3 URL, enter the URL you created.
    • Select Next.

AWS Backup

  1. In the STACK NAME section, enter Backup-plan (or any desired name).

    • Select AvailabilityZone.
    • For LatestAmiId, choose the default value.
    • For NotificationEmail, enter your email address to receive notifications.
    • For S3BucketName, enter the name of the S3 bucket you created.
    • For S3KeyLambdaZip, enter the path of

AWS Backup

  1. In the CONFIGURE STACK OPTIONS section, select Next.

AWS Backup

  1. For CAPABILITIES, select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.

    • Select Submit.

AWS Backup

  1. Complete the CloudFormation stack creation.

AWS Backup

  1. Check the Output of the CloudFormation stack.

AWS Backup

  1. Select the Value of ApplicationURL.

AWS Backup

  1. Check your email; you will receive a notification email.

AWS Backup

  1. Perform email confirmation.

AWS Backup